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Laws and regulations governing the profession:

Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin:
Littenstrasse 9
10179 Berlin
Telephone : 030 / 30 69 31 0
Fax : 030 / 30 69 31 99
Email : info @ ( spam protection, please omit the spaces before and after @ )

In particular, the following laws and regulations apply to the firm's lawyers.
· Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO) - federal regulations for lawyers,
· Berufungsordnung der Rechtsanwälte (BORA) - appointment regulations for lawyers,
· Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG) - lawyers' fees act
· Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO) - regulations for specialised lawyers, and
· Code of Conduct of the CCBE.

Information pursuant to Section 51 federal regulations for lawyers

On the basis of the federal directives for lawyers, lawyers are obliged to have professional liability insurance with minimum coverage of €250,000.00. Details are contained in Section 51 of the federal regulations for lawyers

The members of the law firm have professional liability insurance with Allianz AG. The agreed amount insured is well in excess of the minimum coverage.

The geographical limits of this insurance are Germany and the European foreign countries. Insured are liability claims in connection with consultations and/or professional work with European law as well as claims arising from legal action at European Courts. This insurance does not cover professional actions of law offices which have been established or are maintained in other states. However, we do not maintain any such law offices.

The above laws and regulations can be downloaded from the web site of the Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer.

Notarkammer Berlin (Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts)
Littenstraße 10
10179 Berlin
Telephone (030)24 62 90-0
Fax (030)24 62 90-25

The Notaries of the Notary partnership are subject to the supervision by the President of the Landgericht Berlin [District Court of Berlin], Administrative Office at Littenstraße, 10174 Berlin as well as by the President of the Kammergericht [Court of Appeal], located at the Elßolzstraße 30-31, 10781 Berlin and by the Senate Department of Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti - discrimination, Salzburger Straße 21-25, 10825 Berlin.

In particular, the following laws and regulations apply to notaries public.
· Bundesnotarordnung (BNotO) - federal notaries public act,
· Beurkundungsgesetz (BeurkG) - notarisation act,
· Richtlinien der Notarkammern - directives of the chambers of notaries public,
· Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare (DONot) - official regulations for notaries public,
· Kostenordnung (KostO) - costs code, as well as
· the European Code of professional rules of conduct for notaries.

The above laws and regulations can be downloaded from the web site of the Bundesnotarkammer.

Privacy policy:

The Holger Rickmann, Alexander Schröter, Dr. Andreas Schlie and Volker Bartelt law firm, Knesebeckstr. 59-61, 10719 Berlin, operates this web site and is responsible for collecting, processing and using your personal data within the meaning of the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (federal data protection act) and the Telemediengesetz (telemedia act).
Should we have received, process or use personal data from you as the affected user in the context of our Internet presence, this will only be with your explicit consent and in accordance with provisions of statutory law.
At present, the relevant laws are the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (federal data protection act) Teledienstedatenschutzgesetz (teleservices data protection act). We do not use the data for advertising or market research purposes or to develop user profiles. You have the right to revoke your consent at any time and oppose the further use of your data. Your data will not be passed on to any third party.
